In 2016, during our first DSI trip to Cambodia, we met Mr. Hun Touch (his first name is pronounced Too-c), Executive Director of The Rabbit School in Cambodia. Since then, our partnership has grown and we have continued to embark on program work together, especially focused on children with Intellectual Disabilities.
During our summer 2019 trip, I asked Touch if he would be interested and willing to share a little of his story and why he devotes his time and talents to leading The Rabbit School.
Here is what he shared:
The Rabbit School began in 1997 as a project to provide education for children with special needs at a governmental orphanage founded in Phnom Penh in 1982 for young children who were abandoned or whose parents were killed during the Khmer Rouge regime. Today, they continue to be one of the only educational services for children with Intellectual Disabilities in all of Cambodia. We are honored to work in partnership with them.
Learn more about our approach in working alongside of partners like Touch and Rabbit School.