Please read the disclaimer below and use this key as you learn about the organizations listed:
DSI has had personal contact
DSI has been in contact electronically
DSI is aware of this organization, but has had no contact
Society for the Welfare of the Intellectually Disabled (SWID)
Works with
Children and Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Works In
Services Offered
Special Classes in normal school
Inclusive Education
Teachers Training
Parents Training
Cultural Activities
Therapy and Health services
Motivational Activities
Advocacy Program
Awareness and support for the family to bring the disabled persons into mainstream society
Employment opportunity and Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)
Society for the Welfare of Autistic Children (SWAC)
Works with
Children and Adults ages 3-35
Works In
Services Offered
Separate Day School
Vocational Training
Individualized Instruction
Daily Living Skills
Cognitive and Motor Training
Works with
People affected by leprosy
Children and adults with disabilities
People affected by neglected tropical diseases
Services Offered
Health care
Livelihoods support
Education support
Mobility equipment
DPO support and capacity building
Centre for Disability in Development
Works with
Children and Adults with Disabilities
Families and Support Providers
Works in
Nationwide in Bangladesh
Services Offered
Inclusive education, livelihood, and employment
Rehabilitation and assistive devices
Awareness and Advocacy
Capacity building for support services
Disaster Risk Reduction
Advisory Services on Disability Inclusion
Disability Specific Services for people with disabilities
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
Works with
Individuals with Autism
Works in
Services Offered
Special education, training and rehabilitation
Vocational and adult activities
Parents training and counseling
Awareness raising
Capacity building
Self advocacy
Peer group activities
Center for Services and Information on Disability
Works with
Children and Adults with Disabilities, working children, street children, beggars, home based worker
Works In
Services Offered
Awareness and Advocacy
Capacity and resilience building
Information dissemination
Promotion of Inclusive Education
Promotion of Livelihood opportunities for marginalized including persons with disabilities
Relief activities after disaster
Resource sharing and Networking
AMDA Bangladesh
(The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia)
Works with
Children and Adults with Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disabilities and their families
Works In
Bangladesh, nationwide
Services Offered
Rehabilitation Centre for persons with Disabilities
Advocacy & awareness raising
Inclusive Education and Cultural Program
Skill Training and Employment Promotion
Health care services (screenings and counseling)
Social inclusion
Works with
People with Disabilities
Partner Organizations
Works In
Services Offered
Health care service delivery
Emergency relief and rehabilitation
Promoting human rights and self-initiatives
Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)
Disability inclusive disaster risk reduction
Community mental health
Inclusive development initiatives
Works with
Children and Adults with Deafblindness & Multiple Sensory Impairments
Works in
Bangladesh through the Centre for Disability in Development (CDD)
Services Offered
Education and Care
Vocational Training
*Contact through Sense Int'l India
PFDA - Vocational Training Center Trust
Works with
Children and Adults with Neuro-Disorders
Works in
Services Offered
Lifeskills and Livelihood skills
Training and Employment
Community Development Center (CDC)
Works with
Children and Adults with Disabilities
Works In
Greater Dinajpur District Northern Part of Bangladesh.
Services Offered
Community Based Rehabilitation(CBR)
Capacity Building
Economic Empowerment
Self Help Groups
Nutrition, Health, and Safety
Bangladesh Down Syndrome Association (BDSA)
Works with
Children and Adults with Down Syndrome
Works In
Services Offered
Community Based Rehabilitation(CBR)
Occupational Therapy
Cultural Activities
Dance and Music
Down Syndrome Society of Bangladesh
Works with
Children and Adults with Down Syndrome and families
Works In
Bangladesh, nationwide
Services Offered
Advocacy & awareness raising
Inclusive Education and Cultural Program
Skill Training and Employment Promotion
Health care services (screenings and counseling) -
Social inclusion
Assistance for Blind Children (ABC)
Works with
Children with Visual Impairments/Blindness
Eye patients
Works In
Gazipur, Dhaka, Bogra, Magura, Sirajgonj, Jamalpur, Mymensingh, Commilla, Brahmanbari
Services Offered
Braille Production Unit
Eye Treatment Services
Hostel for Visually Impaired Children
Protibondhi Nagorik Shangathaner Parishad (PNSP)
Works with
Network of Disabled Peoples Organizations
Works in
Services Offered
Dissemination of Information
Advocacy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with the Government
Do you know an organization that is missing from this Directory or needs to be updated?
DSI's Directory is currently researched and run by volunteer efforts. Thank you volunteers!
Consider donating to make sure we can continue to run and maintain programs including this.
Disability Support International (DSI) is continuously working to expand and maintain directory information and this is not an extensive list of all services available. The purpose of this directory is to provide information but DSI does not know or have direct contact with each organization. To the best of our knowledge, the information above is correct however, DSI does not guarantee or assume liability of information provided in organizations' profiles.
Caution should be used when making contact with organizations and when giving out any personal information.