Please read the disclaimer below and use this key as you learn about the organizations listed:
DSI has had personal contact
DSI has been in contact electronically
DSI is aware of this organization, but has had no contact
Asociación Hondureña de lesionados medulares y similares
Works with
Spinal injuries
Other wheelchair users
People with physical-motor impairments in lower and upper limbs
Works In
11 municipalities of Honduras located in 9 departments
Headquarters in Tegucigalpa
Services Offered
Training and education
Incidence on human rights
Institutional strengthening
Microenterprise management
Instituto Psicopedagógico Juana Leclerc
Works with
Niños y Adultos con Discapacidades
Works In
Main office in Tegucigalpa
17 municipalities located in 7 departments
Services Offered
Inclusión Educativa & Adecuaciones Curriculares
Pruebas Psicológicas y Pedagógicas
Desarrollo Inclusivo basado en Comunidad
Entrenamiento pre-vocacional y vocacional
Concienciación y CBR
Fisioterapia, terapia ocupacional y del lenguaje
Works with
Children with Cerebral Palsy
Works In
Services Offered
Inclusive Education
Works with
Children and Teenagers
Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Learning Disabilities
Works In
Services Offered
Educational services
Speech therapy
Physical therapy
Works with
People with Physical Disabilities
Works In
Western Honduras
Santa Rosa City
Services Offered
Medical Programs
Prosthetics Lab
CPR and Literacy Courses
Support Community Development
Asociación de Sordos de Honduras (ASH)
Works with
Children and Adults
Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Works In
Services Offered
Family Support
Works with
Asociaciones de Madres, Padres y Familias de Personas con Discapacidad
Works In
Services Offered
Incidencia Politica
Defensa y Protección de Derechos Humanos
Asesoria / Sensibilización
Educación inclusiva
Inclusión Laboral
Apoyo familiar
Works with
Children and Adults with Disabilities
Disability organizations
Works In
Main office in Tegucigalpa
Services Offered
Works with
Niños, adolescentes y jovenes adultos con discapacidades.
Works In
Services Offered
Educación formal, atendiendo prebásica, primer y segundo nivel de básica.
Educación no formal con los talleres en donde se desarrollan destrezas y habilida.
Do you know an organization that is missing from this Directory or needs to be updated?
DSI's Directory is currently researched and run by volunteer efforts. Thank you volunteers!
Consider donating to make sure we can continue to run and maintain programs including this.
Disability Support International (DSI) is continuously working to expand and maintain directory information and this is not an extensive list of all services available. The purpose of this directory is to provide information but DSI does not know or have direct contact with each organization. To the best of our knowledge, the information above is correct however, DSI does not guarantee or assume the liability of information provided in organizations' profiles.
Caution should be used when making contact with organizations and when giving out any personal information.