Please read the disclaimer below and use this key as you learn about the organizations listed:
DSI has had personal contact
DSI has been in contact electronically
DSI is aware of this organization, but has had no contact
Organizacion de Ciegos de Nicaragua Maricela Toledo (OCNMT)
Works with
Children and Adults
Visual Impairments/Blindness
Works In
Services Offered
Works with
Children and Adolescents with disabilities and families
Works In
83 municipalities and all the departments of Nicaragua
Services Offered
Family Support
Training for families
Early education
Inclusive Education
Programs for social integration
Habilitation for young people with disabilities
Rehabilitation programs
Sensitize and education families and general society
Mobile brigade
Works with
Niños y adultos de 7 meses hasta 64 años con discapacidad
Works In
San Juan de La Concepción, Masaya, Nicaragua
Services Offered
Fisioterapia, equinoterapia, hidroterapia, educación especial, masajes.
Provee sillas de rueda, medicina, leche especial, alimentación especial, pañales desechables, transporte a las terapias sin costo.
Do you know an organization that is missing from this Directory or needs to be updated?
DSI's Directory is currently researched and run by volunteer efforts. Thank you volunteers!
Consider donating to make sure we can continue to run and maintain programs including this.
Disability Support International (DSI) is continuously working to expand and maintain directory information and this is not an extensive list of all services available. The purpose of this directory is to provide information but DSI does not know or have direct contact with each organization. To the best of our knowledge, the information above is correct however, DSI does not guarantee or assume the liability of information provided in organizations' profiles.
Caution should be used when making contact with organizations and when giving out any personal information.